You can save a lot of time and money for yourself with just doing a little preventative maintenance on your car. Most people don't care about their car as long as it drives and it looks good. If you are a car owner you should be taking more caution with your car and checking up on it every once in a while to prevent later problems that can end up costing a lot more than the check-ups would have cost.
Checking the battery is one simple thing that you can do to prevent bigger problems later. Newer batteries don't really require that much maintenance anymore but you should still be educated on it. You should know where it is under the hood to check for leaks and water level. Some batteries now have little gauges on them that will tell you the condition of the battery. This will help you not come out to a dead battery one day before work causing you to be late.
Checking the oil and regularly changing it will help a lot with the engine. Using the dipstick, you can really see the condition of the oil and the level of the oil to see if it needs to be changed or more should be added. Changing the oil is going to improve the life of your engine. Letting it get sludge build up by not changing it often enough can cause your engine to seize and not last as long. If the car is leaking oil, there will be nothing to lubricate the engine and it will end up needing repair or replacement.
Having the antifreeze checked on and refilled will help keep the engine at a cooler temperature so it doesn't overheat. Having a bottle in your trunk at all times is a good idea just in case of emergency. It is a risk to have the wrong level of antifreeze in your car.
Other levels are important too like aligning your tires. This will help keep your tires from losing their tread faster than they should. Keeping your tires in good shape will also help you to not get a blow out or a flat on the highway. That can be bad news.
There are so many things that you can do to prevent disaster from happening later with your car. All you have to do is keep up with maintenance and the rest will fall in to place.
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